Sunday, November 18, 2007

Lobo Landing '07

Well... the youth group from Christ Community just got back from our annual discipleship weekend at the Lobo Landing Resort Center in Heber Springs, Ar. It was pretty much an unbelievable weekend....

This picture is of the group that was there..... The emphasis of the weekend was "The Cost and the Reward of Following Christ." It was an unbelievable time because it is a privilege and an honor to be a part of what God is doing in our youth's lives.. The youth were challenged to totally commit to God no matter the cost, not because it's our duty, but because of the reward that God has given us because of His Son.

it was a bittersweet trip for me because i have realized that this is the last trip I will be taking with the youth group here before I leave for China. It's funny to me how time flies because it was 4 years ago that I took the position of working with youth at Christ Community.
I have seen the group grow from 3 people (Natalie W, Mandy Szeto, and Seth Parrish) to a group that is daily growing in numbers and spiritual maturity! I pray for our youth daily and I hope that they will continue to pray for me! I hope to see them one day in China, working along with me and building the Kingdom of God!

anyway... talk to you again soon!

Friday, November 2, 2007

New Blog

Hey all

This is a brand new blog that I have created in order to make it easier to let you know whats going on in my life... Its november 2nd and there are so many things that I have to do in order to get ready to leave for China on January 7th that it is kind of overwhelming yet exciting at the same time! I will be updating this as much as possible, so keep coming to this site so you can know whats going on in my world! Love ya'll
