Sunday, March 23, 2008


This week we had a sr. high youth lock in... Some of the pictures that you will see down here are pictures of that night. We went bowling, and then we went back to the youth center to enjoy movies and food and crazy games!
This is one of the 10th graders. He is absolutely hilarious! He is a big fella who likes to play me in basketball, and is a quick study. He wanted me to show him how to bowl properly so after a few lessons, I took a picture of his progress. Here he is in the process of bowling! Looking good huh!?

I wish I could explain what actually happened. Apparently his size 12's caused him to do a little tumble! Quite hilarious!

This is me explaining the meaning of life to one of the students..... I think she learned alot! actually I think I was explaining how to properly eat a piece of candy!

Thank you guys for everything! Love you and Miss you!

Saturday, March 15, 2008

CCC Video

Here you go ben!

Sunday, March 9, 2008

I'm Back!!

Hey everybody!

I really want to apologize for the delay in the posting of the blogs! This has been a crazy month of trying to figure out how to get past the gov't restrictions that have been put in place here.. But bless Father, I think I may have figured out a way!

Anyway, alot has happened here since the last video was made, and I hope that the pictures that I put in the video for you was helpful in understanding what is going on. Some new information for everybody out there is that I'm starting language school on Monday, March 10th and I'm really really excited about that. It will be nice to start the process of being able to survive here on my own instead of having to be like a little child! Please keep me in your prayers as I will probably be frustrated and grumpy because the language is very hard to learn.

Things here are going great though. The students are really starting to open up to me and have great conversations with each other, and God is really moving in their lives and in mine as well. Some opportunities have opened up for us this summer to do some work in our country, so everybody is extremely excited!

This picture is a picture of one of our worship teams practicing before the student meeting on Friday night. It is a privilege to work with teenagers so talented and it has taken some time for me to get used to it because we never had music in our youth meetings in the States.

Thank you so much for your continued love and support and for your prayers!

Love ya'll,


Tuesday, March 4, 2008

The Reviving!

(This blog was actually written Feb 6, 2007)

Hey everybody! as the video said I have been pretty sick over the past few days, but Father is definitely working in my life and showing me what it means to rely on Him.

I think since the time that I have been here I have become aware of a few things in my life. One of which I will share with you now. As Christians, when we are safely in our comfort zone I think we are inclined to be able to "survive" everyday life without consistent time with our Father. What I mean by this is that we are able to go a few days, and not necessarily see a huge difference in our emotional reaction to situations, or a change in our moods, or really feel a sort of desperation because of our lack of quality time with Father. I say this because I became a sort of "master" at this when I was in the States. I'm not saying that my spiritual life was great by any stretch of the imagination but there wasn't a noticeable difference in my life. Since I have been here, I have realized that I'm not afforded the same kind of undisciplined life that I was in the States. Being stretched out of my comfort zones, and not being consistent in my time with God has done a number on my emotions and reactions to people. So what I've learned more than anything is what it really means to rely on God, and having Him be the source of comfort no matter the uncomfortable circumstances I have faced.

Anyway, thats my story and I'm sticking to it! See ya soon!
