This week we had a sr. high youth lock in... Some of the pictures that you will see down here are pictures of that night. We went bowling, and then we went back to the youth center to enjoy movies and food and crazy games!
This is one of the 10th graders. He is absolutely hilarious! He is a big fella who likes to play me in basketball, and is a quick study. He wanted me to show him how to bowl properly so after a few lessons, I took a picture of his progress. Here he is in the process of bowling! Looking good huh!?

I wish I could explain what actually happened. Apparently his size 12's caused him to do a little tumble! Quite hilarious!

I wish I could explain what actually happened. Apparently his size 12's caused him to do a little tumble! Quite hilarious!
This is me explaining the meaning of life to one of the students..... I think she learned alot! actually I think I was explaining how to properly eat a piece of candy!
Thank you guys for everything! Love you and Miss you!
Thanks for the update. Great things are happening in your life, and I continue to believe even greater things for the future. Stay the course. You are not forgotten. I love you man. Scott Payne
It is always great to hear an update! The bowling experience sounds like a great time! Alison Bobbitt
You are skinnier than me now. Brooks
Kenny, I am privileged to support you from home! It is so good to hear an update from you! Continue to allow Father to use you. I will continue to lift you up!! Love you! Melinda Laughter
Kenny- You make me very proud to see how you've grown up into a Godly Man and it makes this "Aunt" wish for great things to happen while you are where God has truely sent you. God Bless you and your ministry there. Love you, Aunt Debby
P.S. John will be home next month.
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