Monday, December 29, 2008

Natalies Letter

Brothers and sisters in Christ,
The Lord is at work in Jackson, TN as I am sure He is where you are as well! His power and sovereignty have never been more evident in my life as I am constantly learning and growing through my college years. I’m past the half way point of my junior year, and I can’t believe how fast it has gone by (exciting and scary)!! I am studying Journalism with a Spanish/Photojournalism minor, and though it is getting tough, I am really enjoying it. This year I am working on campus again as an Ambassador for Union and working in the enrollment office. I am also writing for the Cardinal and Cream as a staff writer, and have taken the position of a R.A. this semester. I stay extremely busy, and sometimes it is overwhelming; but I am so blessed and excited about all of the opportunities the Lord has given me to serve Him through!
I am uncertain of what exactly I want to do, or am called to do, when I graduate next May, but God has always provided in the past, and I know He will continue to be faithful no matter what. At this point in my life, I do not feel like I am called to long-term missions specifically out of the country. However, because of that, I feel even more strongly about taking short term mission trips when I am given the opportunity. One of the many ministry opportunities that Union offers is Global Outreach trips. I applied to go on a Spring Break trip, and was assigned to Guatemala. I have had a great passion for the Hispanic culture since my junior year in high school, and am absolutely ecstatic about this opportunity to go.
I, along with a team of about 15 others, will be hopping on a plane in March to go and work with a children's home there. We will spend a lot of our time just loving on the people there and primarily giving the children the love and attention that they need-- and through that, showing them the love of Christ. We will also be there to simply be available to help with whatever other kind of work they may need done.
First and foremost, I believe that God does great things when His children cry out to Him—and that is what I want to ask you to do, as fellow believers in Christ. I ask for your prayers: pray for me as I am going to be stretched in a way that I have never been before, for boldness and unity in our team to go out and reach the people of Guatemala, and for the people of Guatemala themselves, that God would begin to soften their heart that they may hear and receive the Gospel.
That is the most important way you can support my team and I as we go this spring. However, finances play a huge role into this great opportunity as well. The total cost of my trip is $1,540. I ask that you would not give financially unless you feel led to. I am setting aside money to support myself for the trip as well, but obviously I will need additional financial help :) If you do feel led to give, checks made out to Union University will be considered tax-deductible gifts and donors will receive a receipt from Union University. (I am enclosing a postage-paid envelope in which you can send your support if you feel led to do so). You may also give online by going to
s/ and clicking on “GO Trip Donations.” As a point of clarity, your contribution is being given to the Global Outreach Program of Union University. If for some reason I am not able to go on the trip, your contribution will remain in the Global Outreach fund to be used for other mission opportunities under the Global Outreach program at the discretion of the Office of Campus Ministries.
Please don't think that I will take your support-- whether it is prayer support, financial support, or both-- lightly. Both are so important and I am so thankful for all of the incredible family and friends that God has placed in my life. I love you all and thank you for taking the time to read this letter. God bless you!

In Christ Alone,
Natalie West
psalm 139

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Not What I Expected

So I have spent this entire week trying to upload a new video to this blog.... A video that I made that is a clip of a John Piper sermon called "War-like Living."  It is a pretty incredible sermon, and I found this clip from a group of guys I met at a conference in Chicago. They are with a company called "10:31 Sermon Jams"  and they are really cool guys with a really cool vision for using biblical truth and awesome beats and putting it together. 

So I wanted to share that with you, but I couldn't.. Blogger wouldn't allow me to post it for some reason, and I think I figured out that reason yesterday.

I went with some of our Jr. High kids to a retreat this weekend. We were having such a great time, and God was really growing some of the students together...   The last day that we were there, the Bible teacher at KIA pulled me aside to let me know that one of our 6th grade students' mom had suddenly passed away that morning. I was asked to take a taxi back to school with this young kid so he could get a phone call from his dad letting him know what had happened. 

I don't know if you ever have been involved in a situation like that. I kept looking at this young man, knowing that the news he was going to find out was going to change his life forever! My heart was breaking for him!  

We got back to the school and I found the entire high school group praying for this family, and mourning and grieving with them! What an awesome sight to see Tim, a 9th grader whose mom just died, sitting there with his classmates praising God because of His goodness!!! I can't even imagine what kind of a witness that was to his friends to see this young man, in the midst of the darkest time of his life, standing there, in tears, saying "HE IS GOOD!"   what a witness!!!

The students have definitely been hurting for them, but I think they are also being confronted with their own mortality and trying to understand what their reaction would be if they were to get that call saying someone so close to them was gone...  Please lift Amber and I up as we work towards dealing with the students working through this situation...

PLEASE PRAY FOR THE SHOREY FAMILY!!   I can't even imagine what they are going through....

Grace and Peace

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

First Meeting of the Semester!

Hey everybody

I hope you enjoyed the video from our first Friday!  It's been an awesome week with everybody really really excited about what this semester is going to hold for us. One thing that has excited me the most is that last semester we started a prayer meeting each Wednesday night for a few hours. I consistently told the students that this meeting was the most important one out of all the meetings we have throughout the week. Thankfully, those students caught that vision and showed a deep commitment to coming and laying our dreams and visions for ourselves individually and as a group....  What a blessing to see young students crying out to Father, burdened for each other and for their city!  

I've had many students ask me before anything else, "Are we starting prayer meetings up soon?" What a joy!  So by the time most of you get this we will have had our first prayer meeting of the semester. So keep us in your prayers as students are challenged to pursue God daily and submit to Him in all things. His glory is all we seek!

Grace and peace,


Friday, August 29, 2008

New Youth Center!

Hey everyone!

I want to thank you guys for checking out the blog! I'm telling you what, I am so excited about what Father is going to do this semester with these students.... We just had our first meeting with all our students tonight, and it was absolutely amazing.... Amber and I took a major step of faith in signing a contract for this new youth center, but we feel like that Father has confirmed to us that this is the place for us to be so we can fulfill His plans for the students in the city. We definitely covet your prayers here, and I want to thank you for the many well wishes that I got when I was back in the States

I want to share with you an opportunity where you can invest into the ministry that Father is allowing me to do here. If you heard me share while I was in the States, I told you of 3 different ways that you can support me here. One of those ways was to help us with the payment on the youth center. We have such a gracious landlord who gave us the first 2 months of rent free, but that time is coming to an end, and we have to pay him 6 months worth of rent on September 15th. In all, we owe him around $3,000, and so far we have raised around $1,000. I know times are tough in the States, so I'm not expecting people to give a fortune, but I want to give you the opportunity to invest in the students that I'm working with, and donate $100 to the youth center fund. We have worked it out to where, per student, it would cost them around $100 for the entire year worth of youth group. If you feel like Father might be calling you to invest in this, I would love it if you would send a check made out to Christ Community Baptist Church, with "youth center fund" clearly written on the message line. If you would like to send a check you may send it to:

Christ Community Baptist Church
China Impact Ministries
P.O. Box 1793
Collierville, TN 3802

Thank you once again for your continued prayers and support... You guys mean the world to me! Next blog will have some videos and pictures of our first meeting with the students! We had over 85 students show up!! How awesome is that!!

Grace and Peace,


Friday, August 8, 2008

Unashamed Tour!

Hey guys!

I hope you have had an awesome summer. I have.... I've had the opportunity spend time with friends and family, and experience true fellowship with some great friends!  BUT.... i've also had the opportunity to go to an amazing concert/worship service put on by the guys from 116 Clique!  Check them out here! 116 Clique   Here are some amazing pictures and videos from that great night!! Enjoy!

This is Trip Lee... He's a 20 year old kid from Texas and is an amazing rapper.. check him out here

This is Sho Baraka... one of the most amazing lyricists I've ever heard... check him out here

Thursday, July 31, 2008

A New Beginning

Hey everybody!  

I know it has been way to long since I've updated this blog and I really want to apologize to you for that. As most of you know I'm back in the States for a little while, and have an appointment tomorrow at the Apple store to figure out this whole security issues while I'm in China.. So hopefully all that will be taken care of before I head back to China on August 19th..  

I hope I've had the opportunity to see everybody that wants to see me... My time here is so limited and there is so many people I want to see that undoubtedly I will miss somebody so for that I apologize..   

I want you to know that God has been really encouraging me since I have been here and its been amazing to see Him bring people from all over the world together and catch the vision for what China Impact Ministries is doing...   Please keep us in your prayers as we have very important meetings coming up this week in order to review these past few months, fine-tuning this machine in order to help it run properly. Also, God has been expanding my vision for C.I.M. in the past few months and I'm extremely excited about what He has in store...  I hope to be able to expound on that for you in the coming months about what God is doing in our little group, but until I have the chance to really sit down with the team and discuss, I shall save it for later!

anyway, I love you guys and hope you still are praying and interested about what is going on in my little neck of the woods in China!  Keep on keeping on!

in Christ,


Sunday, April 13, 2008

A Little Fun and A Little Help

Hey everybody!

Sorry for the delay on the updates. With the situation with blog restrictions in my country in effect, I have to use a friend's computer in order to access my blog. Well, that friend has been out of town for two weeks! But now he is back, and so I'm back to updating the blog!

I'm not going to do a video blog for you because I have been sick with a cold for about two weeks now, and my voice is still kinda scratchy and raw, so I'm trying to keep it as strong as possible...

This last week was pretty fun :) We had a team from Canada come in to do some work around the city, and help lead our Thursday night JR high and Friday night SR high meetings.... I didn't really know what to expect with a team coming in... How would they react to how things are done? would they be willing to work together? My prayers were answered in remarkable ways! They were unbelievable! Their willingness to work around mishaps and oopses was so encouraging because it was clear they were there to serve and not to be served.

We had a really good time with them on one of the last nights they were here though. A few of the locals and I decided to play a prank by dressing up as policemen and go to their hotel rooms really late at night. Needless to say we have classic footage of us banging on their doors, running into their rooms, and shouting at them in Chinese to "GET ON THE FLOOR!" Their reactions, needless to say, was priceless. We had actual screaming and crying on the floor to one of the girls sizing us up in her head to see if she could beat us up :) it was classic!!!

anyway... things here are going good.. the semester is winding down, and so the students are stressing with finals and all that fun stuff. Next week i will have some pictures and video of a "prayer stations" night that we had at the youth center, that was so powerful!! Father really moved that night, and some major breakthroughs happened. Hope everything is going well for you!!

Grace and Peace,

Sunday, March 23, 2008


This week we had a sr. high youth lock in... Some of the pictures that you will see down here are pictures of that night. We went bowling, and then we went back to the youth center to enjoy movies and food and crazy games!
This is one of the 10th graders. He is absolutely hilarious! He is a big fella who likes to play me in basketball, and is a quick study. He wanted me to show him how to bowl properly so after a few lessons, I took a picture of his progress. Here he is in the process of bowling! Looking good huh!?

I wish I could explain what actually happened. Apparently his size 12's caused him to do a little tumble! Quite hilarious!

This is me explaining the meaning of life to one of the students..... I think she learned alot! actually I think I was explaining how to properly eat a piece of candy!

Thank you guys for everything! Love you and Miss you!

Saturday, March 15, 2008

CCC Video

Here you go ben!

Sunday, March 9, 2008

I'm Back!!

Hey everybody!

I really want to apologize for the delay in the posting of the blogs! This has been a crazy month of trying to figure out how to get past the gov't restrictions that have been put in place here.. But bless Father, I think I may have figured out a way!

Anyway, alot has happened here since the last video was made, and I hope that the pictures that I put in the video for you was helpful in understanding what is going on. Some new information for everybody out there is that I'm starting language school on Monday, March 10th and I'm really really excited about that. It will be nice to start the process of being able to survive here on my own instead of having to be like a little child! Please keep me in your prayers as I will probably be frustrated and grumpy because the language is very hard to learn.

Things here are going great though. The students are really starting to open up to me and have great conversations with each other, and God is really moving in their lives and in mine as well. Some opportunities have opened up for us this summer to do some work in our country, so everybody is extremely excited!

This picture is a picture of one of our worship teams practicing before the student meeting on Friday night. It is a privilege to work with teenagers so talented and it has taken some time for me to get used to it because we never had music in our youth meetings in the States.

Thank you so much for your continued love and support and for your prayers!

Love ya'll,


Tuesday, March 4, 2008

The Reviving!

(This blog was actually written Feb 6, 2007)

Hey everybody! as the video said I have been pretty sick over the past few days, but Father is definitely working in my life and showing me what it means to rely on Him.

I think since the time that I have been here I have become aware of a few things in my life. One of which I will share with you now. As Christians, when we are safely in our comfort zone I think we are inclined to be able to "survive" everyday life without consistent time with our Father. What I mean by this is that we are able to go a few days, and not necessarily see a huge difference in our emotional reaction to situations, or a change in our moods, or really feel a sort of desperation because of our lack of quality time with Father. I say this because I became a sort of "master" at this when I was in the States. I'm not saying that my spiritual life was great by any stretch of the imagination but there wasn't a noticeable difference in my life. Since I have been here, I have realized that I'm not afforded the same kind of undisciplined life that I was in the States. Being stretched out of my comfort zones, and not being consistent in my time with God has done a number on my emotions and reactions to people. So what I've learned more than anything is what it really means to rely on God, and having Him be the source of comfort no matter the uncomfortable circumstances I have faced.

Anyway, thats my story and I'm sticking to it! See ya soon!


Tuesday, January 29, 2008

BBQ Joints and the ensuing Craziness!

Hey everybody!  I hope that everything is going in your life!  As the video says, things here are great!  I am learning alot about the Chinese culture and am having a blast living here.  Obviously, your prayers are very much appreciated so thank you for them! 
My daily life here is pretty consistent. Everybody always talked to me about the prospects of having to adjust to the new diet over here, and I must tell you that the stories that you have heard are true!   One place that my friends here like to frequent is "Chinese BBQ"   I would love to tell you the actual name for it, but at the risk of sounding dumb to my chinese friends, I will refrain!   The idea is that you go up to a little grill on the side of the road and pick some meat on a stick and give it to the grillers.. Then they will grill up right and bring it to your table!  The meat is relatively good, but the most interesting thing that I have had to eat there is the pig intestines!  and the thing that is funny about the certain BBQ places that my friends like to take me to is the place that doesn't clean out the intestines before they grill it. So most of the intestines are "stuffed" with whatever pig intestines are stuffed with when they are killed. Kinda wild!   You can also eat frog there but I haven't taken the plunge yet!  
 Here are some of the frogs!!

This is the Sr High Leadership team eating dinner before one of our meetings.... These people are awesome nd we will make a great team!   Amber, the fellow youth leader-in-charge, is on the far left with the red hair... She has already become a good friend and fellow co-worker!

Please continue to lift us up as we try to figure out where Father wants to lead us... Your prayers are coveted!

Grace and Peace,


Sunday, January 20, 2008

First Impressions

So I am officially here :)  and I love it!!   

It is very clear to me that these past few days have been blessed because I have already experienced some doubt and frustration and negative thoughts, but our Father has put some very awesome people in my path that have experienced the same things that I'm going through. And they offer encouragements and words from Truth!!  

My heart is burdened for the people in this city already... 3 of my new friends here in the city took me down to the big marketplace called Lo Shwan(sp?)    We were walking through the marketplace and heard a really loud ruckus... We saw a lady on a cart and a lady walking, and they were both screaming really loudly at each other. My friends translated for me and told me that the lady on the cart had hit the lady walking, and the lady walking was instantly demanding compensation for her "injuries". It was so sad to see because the desperation in both of their eyes was evident.    Please keep opportunities like this in your Thoughts and lift them up daily. 

This picture is from the window in my bedroom of my apartment. Notice the mountains behind the buildings!!! its a beautiful city, but there are definitely poverty-stricken areas, and more affluent neighborhoods... My apartment is in the upper-middle part of the city...  I am blessed by a nice place to stay...

There will be more pictures and updates to come, but please keep the city and myself in your thoughts....  

Love ya'll!!

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Happy New Year

I hope you all had a wonderful Holiday time....  I know I did.. the opportunity to spend quality time with my family will always be cherished in my heart because so much has changed over the past year...   Erin and Bobby had their 4th baby (Caleb), Brittany and Justin are pregnant with their 1st, and I'm moving to China in two weeks.... 

Here are a few pictures of the prettiest babies in all the world!

This is Reagan - a normal face for her!

This picture fits Audrey perfectly... She is such a comedian!!

Casie is my beautiful young girl..  It is amazing to see her growth over the last few years!  she is so smart and cares about people so much... its amazing to see her love on Caleb the way she does
This is the newest addition to our family.... Caleb.. People say he resembles me, which is pretty cool!  

This is Audrey singing... I will listen to this all the time in China

These memories will make this time easier! I find my strength in Christ, but to be completely honest, there are so many times that I state with my mouth I trust Christ, but in my actions I live on my own... this happens more often than not...    my prayer for my life has and will always be Psalm 73: 25-26 
"Whom have I in heaven but you?
And there is nothing on earth I desire besides you.
My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart
and my portion forever!"  

I pray that this is your heart and your desire! no matter where you are in life, spiritually mature or spiritually immature, please take this Scripture in your heart and meditate on it... Seek after God!!!

Talk to ya'll soon