Monday, December 29, 2008

Natalies Letter

Brothers and sisters in Christ,
The Lord is at work in Jackson, TN as I am sure He is where you are as well! His power and sovereignty have never been more evident in my life as I am constantly learning and growing through my college years. I’m past the half way point of my junior year, and I can’t believe how fast it has gone by (exciting and scary)!! I am studying Journalism with a Spanish/Photojournalism minor, and though it is getting tough, I am really enjoying it. This year I am working on campus again as an Ambassador for Union and working in the enrollment office. I am also writing for the Cardinal and Cream as a staff writer, and have taken the position of a R.A. this semester. I stay extremely busy, and sometimes it is overwhelming; but I am so blessed and excited about all of the opportunities the Lord has given me to serve Him through!
I am uncertain of what exactly I want to do, or am called to do, when I graduate next May, but God has always provided in the past, and I know He will continue to be faithful no matter what. At this point in my life, I do not feel like I am called to long-term missions specifically out of the country. However, because of that, I feel even more strongly about taking short term mission trips when I am given the opportunity. One of the many ministry opportunities that Union offers is Global Outreach trips. I applied to go on a Spring Break trip, and was assigned to Guatemala. I have had a great passion for the Hispanic culture since my junior year in high school, and am absolutely ecstatic about this opportunity to go.
I, along with a team of about 15 others, will be hopping on a plane in March to go and work with a children's home there. We will spend a lot of our time just loving on the people there and primarily giving the children the love and attention that they need-- and through that, showing them the love of Christ. We will also be there to simply be available to help with whatever other kind of work they may need done.
First and foremost, I believe that God does great things when His children cry out to Him—and that is what I want to ask you to do, as fellow believers in Christ. I ask for your prayers: pray for me as I am going to be stretched in a way that I have never been before, for boldness and unity in our team to go out and reach the people of Guatemala, and for the people of Guatemala themselves, that God would begin to soften their heart that they may hear and receive the Gospel.
That is the most important way you can support my team and I as we go this spring. However, finances play a huge role into this great opportunity as well. The total cost of my trip is $1,540. I ask that you would not give financially unless you feel led to. I am setting aside money to support myself for the trip as well, but obviously I will need additional financial help :) If you do feel led to give, checks made out to Union University will be considered tax-deductible gifts and donors will receive a receipt from Union University. (I am enclosing a postage-paid envelope in which you can send your support if you feel led to do so). You may also give online by going to
s/ and clicking on “GO Trip Donations.” As a point of clarity, your contribution is being given to the Global Outreach Program of Union University. If for some reason I am not able to go on the trip, your contribution will remain in the Global Outreach fund to be used for other mission opportunities under the Global Outreach program at the discretion of the Office of Campus Ministries.
Please don't think that I will take your support-- whether it is prayer support, financial support, or both-- lightly. Both are so important and I am so thankful for all of the incredible family and friends that God has placed in my life. I love you all and thank you for taking the time to read this letter. God bless you!

In Christ Alone,
Natalie West
psalm 139

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